About Police Service Board
The City of Sarnia Police Service Board is the civilian body governing the Sarnia Police Service (SPS).
It is responsible for the provision of adequate and effective police services in the municipality and its authority is set out in Section 37 of the Community Safety and Policing Act.
The board is also responsible for law enforcement and crime prevention within the city, a duty it discharges through the enactment of policies. It will generally determine after consultation with the Chief of Police, objectives and priorities for the police service. The board is responsible for the police budget, oversees the actions of the Chief of Police and is the employer of the police service.
Board Members
Paul Wiersma
Paul Wiersma has served on the Sarnia Police Service Board since February 2019 as a provincial appointee. He was Vice-Chair 2020-2022 and has been Chair since February 2023.
Paul is a system coordinator/principal with the Lambton Kent District School Board and is responsible for adult, alternative, and continuing education. Previous positions have included being a principal and vice-principal of Great Lakes Secondary School, St. Clair Secondary School, and Lambton Central Collegiate and Vocational School.
Paul has a M.Ed. (OISE/UT) in curriculum studies, a B.Ed. (Western) in education, and a Hon B.Sc. (McMaster) in mathematics and physics. He has several post-graduate education certifications including the Supervisory Officers’ Qualification Program. Paul taught the Principals’ Qualification Program at the University of Windsor for five years.
Paul served as a member and Chair of the Board of Bluewater Health for ten years. He has been a member of the Sarnia Concert Association Board since 2020 and currently serves as the President.
Paul has lived in Sarnia since 1999. He is married and has two adult children. Paul has had a lifelong interest in community involvement. He believes that the Sarnia Police Service plays a significant role, in conjunction with other community organizations and agencies, to ensure the safety and wellbeing of our community. Paul is glad to support the police and provide civilian oversight on behalf of the community.
Kelly Ash
Kelly Ash was appointed by the provincial government to the Sarnia Police Service Board in October 2021. In January of 2023, Kelly was nominated and accepted the position of Vice Chair.
Kelly and her husband moved to Sarnia in 1996 and have called the area home ever since. Kelly has always possessed a strong sense of community. In 2014, she was honoured to be recognized as one of the recipients of ‘Women of the Year’ at the International Women’s Day hosted by the Women’s Interval Home and Sexual Assault Survivors Center. In 2015, she was recognized by the SL Chamber of Commerce as their ‘Member of the Year’ for her work with various charities. Kelly has served on multiple boards over her 30 years in Sarnia, including 6 years on the Women’s Interval Home Board and Crime Stoppers. Kelly is our local celebrity as the former host of YourTV’s ‘Talk Local’ where she spent 5 years showcasing local community agencies and issues. Kelly is the Wyoming Branch Manager of Southwest Regional Credit Union. She organizes community outings including the ‘Community Clean Up’ and ‘Dragon Boat Races’.
Kelly has always been a big supporter of the work that the men and women of our Sarnia Police Service do. When she was approached about contributing to the Police Services Board, she was honoured to accept. She is very committed to understanding the issues that our service faces daily.
Kelly is a dedicated wife, mother, and nana. She is also a dedicated employee, community member and board member. All of these roles are the basis for her passion and commitment.
“Our members are our last defence in this ever-changing world. We need to make certain they are as prepared as possible for this, this is our job, we are their last defence.” —Kelly
Joan Knight
Board Secretary
Joan Knight has served as Secretary to the Board since June 2018, providing administrative support to the Sarnia Police Service Board, ensuring that necessary confidentiality is maintained and acting as the liaison as directed for the Board.
Joan was formerly the By-Law Coordinator working in the City of Sarnia Clerk’s Office but retired in 2017 after 31 years of service, her years in the Clerk’s Office gave her experience in working with Sarnia City Council, all City Departments, residents of the City of Sarnia, and providing support in Municipal Elections.
Joan is originally from Windsor but calls Brights Grove home. Joan is the mother to 3 grown children and the joy of her life, her 3 grandchildren. Joan is honoured to work with the dedicated members of the Sarnia Police Service Board and the Sarnia Police Service.
Charlene Sebastian
Charlene Sebastian is a passionate member of the Sarnia Police Services Board, appointed by the City Council in January 2023. She currently serves as the Vice President of Strategic Partnerships at Minerva, an innovative anti-money laundering platform utilizing global data and artificial intelligence, and has held senior positions at some of Canada’s largest banks implementing technology related to preventing and detecting fraud, money laundering, and terrorist financing.
With a BA in Political Science from the University of Western Ontario and an Executive MBA in Data Management and Business Analytics from the Sandermoen School of Business, Charlene is a skilled, data-driven and strategic decision-maker, an asset she brings to her role on the Police Services Board. Her commitment extends beyond her professional pursuits as she is deeply involved in her community through her role as a Growth Coach with TechAlliance, a board member with the Sarnia-Lambton Workforce Development Committee (SLWDC), and a founding faculty advisor for the Startup Sphere Club, a Lambton College based student-run club focused on entrepreneurial innovation.
Charlene's passion for the Sarnia Police Service is driven by her pride in her community’s accomplishments. She is dedicated to protecting community members and is committed to fostering a thriving police service that effectively serves and safeguards the public. Her strategic acumen and community involvement are invaluable in her contributions to the Board, ensuring the Sarnia Police Service operates with excellence and integrity.
George Vandenberg
George Vandenberg is currently serving the City of Sarnia as a City Counsellor. He is a former Sarnia Police Officer and has served on the Police Services Board for just over a year. George graduated from the University of Western Ontario with a Bachelor of Arts Degree. He is also a member of the Law Society of Ontario and is a Licenced Paralegal.
Outside of his professional obligations, George sits as a Board Member of the Sarnia and District Humane Society. He is a former President of the Society. He has also been involved with the Optimist's Club, Kiwanis Club, John Howard Society, Paralegal Society of Ontario and the Sarnia Sexual Assault Crisis Centre.
George has resided in Sarnia since 1968. Married to Barbara. They have two children and four grandchildren.
Chrissy McRoberts
Chrissy McRoberts is a City of Sarnia City/County Councillor and passionate community advocate. Chrissy was born and raised in Point Edward, ON and began her community involvement in the local Sea Cadet Corps, Repulse which inspired her to enlist in the Canadian Armed Forces where she spent three years. Chrissy later transitioned into a supervisory role in the hotel industry where she worked for 18 years within three hotels as a General Manager.
In 2014, Chrissy turned her passion for refurbishing furniture into a full-time career as the owner of Dog Eat Dog, a gift shop in Mitton Village filled with treasures from over two dozen local artisans. Dog Eat Dog supports 7 local charities year-round.
Chrissy is the proud mother of two adult children and two bulldogs.
Any member of the public may appear at a public Police Service Board meeting to speak as a delegation on either their own behalf or as a representative of an organization or group.
- Delegations will be scheduled by the Secretary and shall be limited to a ten (l0) minute presentation which may be extended an additional five (5) minutes at the discretion of the Chair.
- Any person desiring to address the Board at a regular meeting shall notify the Secretary of such desire by 12:00 noon, seven (7) working days before the date of the regular meeting.
- Any person desiring to address the Board shall file with the Secretary a brief which outlines their proposal or request, and such brief shall be delivered to the secretary in time for inclusion in the Agenda of the next regular Meeting.
- When a person or persons, not being a Member nor an appointed city official, desires to address the Board, without having given prior notice, they shall be permitted to do so only if a motion to that effect is carried by the Members present.
- Any person permitted to address the Board shall be limited to a maximum of ten (10) minutes, and only one person shall be permitted to address the Board on each subject, except in the case of rebuttal, and that person shall be subject to the same time limit.
- Delegations may be live-streamed as part of the regular Board meeting.
To submit a delegation request please email joan.knight@spsboard.ca
Please ensure to include:
- Your name and all contact information including email address, mailing address, phone numbers
- Organization (if applicable)
- Names and contact information of others that may be in attendance with your delegation
- A brief description of the purpose/subject matter of your delegation for inclusion in the Agenda
The Secretary will contact you with the date and time your delegation is scheduled to speak.
Throughout the year we create reports for the public to review and develop an understanding of our operations. We also generate our own reports like our tri-annual strategic plan and year-end review.
2024-2028 Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Plan
2023-2025 Strategic Business Plan
Administration and Infrastructure
- Acoustic Hailing Devices
- Adequate and Effective Policing
- Administration of the Police Service
- Appointment of Special Constables
- Body Armour
- Code of Conduct for Board Members
- Code of Conduct Police Officers and Special Constables
- Communicable Diseases
- Complaints Against the Chief of Police or Deputy Chief of Police
- Complaints of Misconduct – Police Officers
- Complaints of Misconduct – Special Constables
- Conflicts of Interest of Police Service Members
- Disclosure of Personal Information
- Equal Opportunity; Discrimination and Workplace Harassment Prevention
- Framework for Annual Reporting
- Legal Indemnification of Board Members and Board Employees
- Management of Police Records
- Marked General Patrol Vehicles
- Police Uniforms
- Policy Review
- Quality Assurance
- Safe Storage of Police Service Firearms
- Secondary Activities
- Secure Holster
- Skills Development and Learning Plan
- Speed Measuring Devices
- Strategic Plan
- Use of Auxiliaries
- Use of Cadets
- Use of Force
- Use of Volunteers
- Workplace Violence Prevention
Crime Prevention
Emergency Response
- Active Attacker Incidents
- Canine
- Crisis Negotiation
- Emergency Plan
- Explosives
- Extreme Incident Response Plan
- Ground Search for Lost or Missing Persons
- Hostage Rescue
- Major Incident Command
- Preliminary Perimeter Control and Containment
- Tactical Units
- Underwater Search and Rescue
Public Order
- Terrorism Mitigation
- Terrorism Preparedness and Planning
- Terrorism Recovery
- Terrorism Response and Notifications
Law Enforcement
- Arrest
- Bail and Violent Crime
- Child Abuse and Neglect
- Child Pornography (Internet Child Exploitation)
- Collection, Preservation and Control of Evidence and Property
- Communications and Dispatch
- Community Patrol
- Court Security
- Crime, Call and Public Disorder Analysis
- Criminal Harassment
- Criminal Intelligence
- Criminal Investigation Management Plan
- Drug Offences
- Elder and Vulnerable Adult Abuse
- Fraud and False Pretence Investigation
- Hate/Bias Motivated Crime and Hate Propaganda Offences
- Homicide
- Illegal Gaming
- Internal Task Forces
- Intimate Partner/Family Violence
- Joint Forces Operations
- Missing Persons
- Officer Note Taking
- Ontario Sex Offender Registry
- Paid Informants and Agents
- Parental and Non-Parental Abductions and Attempts
- Police Response to High Risk Individuals
- Police Response to Persons who are Emotionally Disturbed or have a Mental Illness or a Developmental Disability
- Preventing or Responding to Occurrences Involving Firearms
- Prisoner Care and Control
- Prisoner Transportation
- Proceeds of Crime
- Property Offences
- Robbery
- Search of Persons
- Search of Premises
- Sexual Assault Investigations
- Stolen or Smuggled Firearms
- Sudden Death and Found Human Remains
- Supervision
- Suspect Apprehension Pursuits
- Traffic Management, Enforcement and Road Safety
- Vehicle Pursuits
- Vehicle Theft
- Waterways Policing
- Witness Protection
- Youth Crime
Meetings Archive
Watch Past Meetings
Past Meetings
Upcoming Meetings
April 24, 2025
May 22, 2025
Check the agenda for a link to live video stream.