Sarnia Police Service

Community Sarnia-Lambton Alerts

Help us to keep your families safer and more informed.

Get alerted about emergencies and other important community news by signing up for our Emergency and Community Alert Program. Sarnia-Lambton Alerts using the Everbridge system allows you to use multiple means of communication for the both Emergency Alert System and the Community Notification System.

In addition to your home phone, you can add mobile phones, voice over IP landlines, email, and text messaging to be included to receive messages from both the Emergency Alert and Community Notification System. You can also choose the order in which you receive the notification.

These systems allow Sarnia-Lambton to easily and swiftly communicate with residents and interested parties through all of today’s available technology. This system will only work with your participation.

Sign up

After signing up, you can log in at any time and make changes to your account. You can add/remove contact points (cell phone, home phone, email, home address, etc) or add/remove items that you want to be notified about.

Sarnia-Lambton Alerts is funded in part by Bluewater Association for Safety, Environment & Sustainability (BASES).

Sarnia-Lambton Alerts logo