Sarnia Police Service

News Media Release

Exmouth Street arrest of combative male

clock icon Jan 13, 2025 clock icon 09:54 AM occurence number SA25001170 Media Release

Exmouth Street arrest of combative male

On January 12 2025 at 2:30pm Sarnia Police officers were called to the area of Exmouth Street and Trillium Park in the City of Sarnia.  Multiple callers were reporting a male in their backyards, behaving erratically. 

The male was located by police and identified as David KACZMAREK.  Investigation revealed KACZMAREK to have an outstanding London Police arrest warrant for charges of failing to comply with a release order.  Officers placed this male under arrest at which time he attempted to flee, running into Exmouth Street traffic.  

Officers were able to quickly gain hold of KACZMAREK preventing his escape, but he continued to try to break free from police.  The physical altercation resulted in KACZMAREK being taken to the ground where he persisted in his combativeness with police.  Officers were eventually able to gain control and take him into custody.  The officers were not injured. 

At the time of this incident, KACZMAREK was subject to two probation orders and was out on bail for recent previous offences.  (Previous media release: https://www.sarniapolice.ca/news/444/male-arrested-in-break-and-enter/ )

As a result of this incident, David KACZMAREK, 39 years of Sarnia, was held for a bail hearing on the following charges:

  • Breach of Probation (2 Counts)
  • Resisting Arrest

The Sarnia Police Service would like to thank those citizens who helped stop Exmouth Street traffic as officers were dealing with the accused in the roadway.  The officers were not injured.  


General Information on Bail Hearings

“Held for bail” means the police chose to not release an accused person back into the community. However, as the police cannot hold a person in custody for longer than 24 hours, we are required to send them to bail court, where they will have a bail hearing. There, the presiding judge or Justice of the Peace will decide whether the person should be released into the community or not.

“Released on bail” means the police held them in custody, but a subsequent release decision by the courts was made.

“Remanded” into custody means the accused was not granted release by the courts.

The bail system provides a framework to oversee and put limits on police custody. It is governed by legislation including the Criminal Code of Canada.