Sarnia Police Service

News Media Release

Notice of Auction-Update

clock icon Aug 1, 2023 clock icon 03:30 PM Media Release
Police Services regularly come into possession of property through law enforcement. This includes evidence, or other items seized in the course of investigation (e.g. stolen property). In addition, found property is also turned over to police in the hope that the owner can be located.
All seized property is disposed of pursuant to the legislation or lawful disposition order of the courts.
Any remaining item fall under disposal provisions of the Police Services Act available here: https://www.ontario.ca/laws/statute/90p15#BK170
For items where no disposition or owner exists, the Sarnia Police Service transparently auctions these items to the public. Items up for bid can include found and recovered items such as bicycles, tools, jewelry and collectibles.  The type and number vary at each auction.
As per the Police Services Act of Ontario, the Sarnia Police Services Board may use the proceeds for any purpose that it considers in the public interest.
The Sarnia Police Services property auction is going live Saturday August 5, 2023 at 7 am and will be open until Wednesday August 9 at 7 pm.
VANKLAVERN Auctions Inc. is managing the online auction.
Please visit the website for further details.
Insp. Mike VanSickle
Inspector-Support Services
Tel: 519-344-8861, extension 6181